Visit on Shabbat
Our services are held both online and in person (in-person services are also available on Zoom). Please contact for location and/or Zoom links. We'll be happy to welcome you, whether you're a member or not, no matter hw you're dressed, no matter how little or much Hebrew you know! Check the calendar for the schedule of services.
Become a Member
Membership in Shirat HaNefesh is open to all who are on a Jewish path or who have veered off a Jewish path and want to get back on. Our community currently numbers about 70 members/families, hailing mostly from Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Chevy Chase, Bethesda, D.C., Rockville and Potomac.
Find a spot at Shirat HaNefesh that’s right for you. Our rabbi and members will be happy to talk to you about your interests and what’s happening. All of our committees are happy to have extra heads and hands, including:
- Chesed Committee — volunteer to help members who are ill or in need of assistance. That could include a casserole or a ride to services, or even just a friendly phone call.
- Bereavement Committee — being on call to assist members who have lost a loved one. You might provide information on funeral options, for example, or help bring prayerbooks to the shiva house. Small things, but enormously helpful at a difficult time.
- Tikkun Olam Committee — come to monthly meetings and get involved with our ongoing activities on racial justice, environmental activism, and social action.
- Membership Committee — reach out to people who might be interested in Shirat HaNefesh, and help integrate new members into the community.
An annual membership for a household with one adult is $1,000. For a household with two adults, annual membership is $2,000. The annual membership includes High Holy Day tickets for the family plus full membership rights.
Associate memberships are designed only for those whose main affiliation is to another congregation, but who also wish to belong to the Shirat HaNefesh community. The $400 annual associate membership dues give associate members full access to Shirat HaNefesh religious and social activities, excluding High Holy Day services. Associate members cannot vote at community meetings, and we encourage all associate members who are regularly active in our community to become full members.
No one is turned away from membership for financial reasons. Please contact us at to be put in contact with our Treasurer to discuss your situation in confidence.
Stay Connected
Join our announcement listserv! This a good place to find out what’s happening in the congregation. Send a blank email to:
Sign up for our weekly member newsletter, or our monthly non-member outreach newsletter. SHN News and upcoming events in one place. Send an email to:
Join the SHN Discussion Forum! This is a place for members to post messages, send announcements you think other members may be interested in, engage in discussion, and in lively (but polite) debate on issues of importance to the community. Send a blank email to:
Facebook Group: Great place to post photos, keep everyone up to date with your news, and talk to one another. Go to our Facebook page, click on Groups on the left navigation bar, and Sign Up.
Facebook Page: Visit us on our Facebook page: for events, photos, posts on all kinds of interesting subjects, and more. We hope you’ll “Like” us!
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:34pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:43pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
MEMBERS: Find your account details, set up payments, add to, or edit, your yahrzeit list, find your friends in the directory, and more.If you have trouble logging in contact us at
In North Chevy Chase near I-495. Please email for location information.
Mailing Address
PO Box 8681 Silver Spring, MD 20907-8681
(202) 681-1319
Shirat HaNefesh is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; our EIN is 51-0673575. Donations are tax-deductible .
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